I really aprecite this work. It was also part of that story that I'm always talking about, but It was finally discarded. Sometimes I think that i'll never finish that project! The university classes and exams take me a lot of time. Anyway I'm happy, because between drawing and drawing I usually learn new things about painting.
The lady and her guardian WIP 1-2 (2010)
I allways start my drawings with a sketch, once it's structured I outline it with a pencil. I usually do this step with pencils and mechanical-pencils, because I'm a disaster doing inks ! I used references for drawing the girl and the wolves. Using references makes your drawing look more realistic and it's a great way to learn anatomy! But remember that using a image as reference doesn't mean to trace it! In my opinion you can't learn how to draw when you trace photos or drawings because you only use your hand instead of using your brain or your eyes! When I use references I always try to find free stock from other artists or I use my own stock photos. In deviantart you can find a lot of free stock, check this link: http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/stockart/model/ (But don't forget to read each artist rules about their own stock)
Una vez terminadas las lineas apliqué un coloreado digital. Como podéis ver, al final me cargué al lobo de la parte trasera del dibujo, a menudo mientras coloreo decido cambiar elementos del trabajo. En el caso de esta ilustración no tomé capturas de pantalla del proceso, pero es algo que últimamente estoy haciendo y espero mostraros en futuros post.
When I finished the lines I coloured it digitally. As you can see I deleted the wolf that was behind the elf. I usually change a lot of parts of the drawing when I'm colouring. In this case I didn't take screenshot of the colouring process, but I will post some of other paintings in future posts :) .
Espero que os guste! Un saludo y feliz domingo :)
Hope you like it! Have a nice day! :D